Today's Deal
Better Results at School! Make Learning to Read Fun and Easy for your Kids with a 12-Month Subscription to ABC Reading Eggs an Australian Interactive reading program for just $39! Valued at $79.95
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- Full Price $80
- Savings 51%
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For only $39 you can make learning to read fun and easy for your kids and improve their results at school!
- You’ll receive a 12-month subscription to ABC Reading Eggs website
- This is a reading program developed by highly-experienced team of educational teachers, writers and developers
- Focuses on a core reading curriculum of phonics and sight words using skills and strategies essential for sustained reading success
- Completely supports what children learn at school and will help to improve your child’s results at school
- Designed for 3 to 7 year olds
- Make reading fun and exciting for your child
The Fine Print:
- Bookings are essential and subject to availability
- One voucher per person
- Can buy multiples as gifts
- Not available with any other offer
- Not redeemable for cash
- Voucher valid from 1/3/11 - 1/6/11
- Register online with your Spreets voucher code and your pin to receive your discount